Tired of asking your team...
“What’s the status?”

Try Statdash Now!
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Let Statdash help you!

Are you frustrated trying to track down team members, contractors and vendors to get a status update on your projects? Statdash takes the pain out of status tracking, saving you time and energy, and giving you the confidence of always knowing the status of your critical activities. Our cloud-based, automated status request system will make it a breeze to get the info you need to manage more effectively.

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Statdash helps you see the big picture.

Our simple, color-coded dashboard gives you a clear snapshot of your team’s progress on projects in a single glance — a powerful tool for those who need to see the big picture.

  • Easily create as many dashboards as you need, for multiple purposes.
  • Simply make unique statuses for each dashboard, or use our default settings
  • Quickly generate templates of your dashboards that you can replicate for new projects
Sample Status Dashboard

Statdash automates the asking of “what’s the status?”

Statdash’s built-in email scheduler automatically contacts each team member to update their status — saving you hours of frustration.

  • No more nagging your team to update their statuses: just set the email scheduler and let Statdash do the asking for you.
  • Team members update their status by simply clicking a single link in their email.
  • Member responses are instantly reflected in the dashboard, so you'll never be left wondering "What's the status?”
  • Customize each activity with its own notification schedule, so critical, time-sensitive activities are never forgotten.

Statdash makes communicating with clients and stakeholders a breeze.

Statdash is cloud-based, so sharing a dashboard with clients is easier than ever and helps build confidence — so, they’re never in the dark about your team’s progress.

  • Clients are quickly kept up-to-date on your team’s progress.
  • Instantly update the dashboard manually with your client if statuses change.
  • Shows your client you’re in total control of their project.
Status tracking

Want to discover other ways to use Statdash?

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Ready to take control of your status tracking?

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